Juliette Blount, MSN, NP Adult Nurse Practitioner Juliette G. Blount, MSN, NP, is an adult nurse practitioner at a primary care practice in midtown Manhattan. Blount holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Howard University and received her Master’s Degree in nursing and adult nurse practitioner certification from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She has over 25 years of cumulative clinical experience as a registered nurse in both the inpatient and homecare settings, and as a certified wound, ostomy & continence nurse. As a nurse practitioner, she has worked extensively in the college health setting and currently provides primary and women’s healthcare to a diverse patient population. She has been recognized with awards for both customer service and clinical excellence and volunteers in the community by educating the public about navigating the healthcare system and about becoming empowered healthcare consumers. She is a long-term member and has served in multiple leadership roles in her local nurse practitioner professional organization, having served as board member, committee chair and president of nurse practitioners of New York. Blount’s professional interests are in the area of cultural competence in healthcare.