Annual Dinner Donors

Thank You to Our Donors

The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare gratefully acknowledges the many individuals, families, corporations, foundations and organizations that have so generously supported our work.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of donor names. Please contact us with any changes to your listing.

National Business Members

Chairman Circle
Massachusetts General Hospital

Executive Circle

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Marsh McLennan

Leader Circle

Bank of America
Benchmark Senior Living

Dinner Supporters

National Compassionate Caregivers of the Year® Award Sponsor


Ellen Cohen and Daniel Haber


Marjorie and Paul Stanzler


Ellen Feldberg Gordon and Michael Gordon


Michael Blau and Ann Muschett
Patricia A. Bresky Family Foundation
Stephen Corman
CRC Wholesale Group
Fran and Michael Goldberg
Minnie Baylor-Henry and Brent Henry
Jean Karpas Siegel Fund at The Boston Foundation
Tufts Medicine
Lynn Wiatrowski and Joren Madsen, MD


Alexion, AstraZeneca Rare Disease
American Hospital Association
Aon Risk Services
Arnold & Porter
Rana Awdish, MD, FACCP, and Randy Awdish
Robyn Begley, DNP
Bergman Family Foundation
Robert Bergman
Beth Israel Lahey Health
Boston Children’s Hospital
The Boston Foundation – Judy Swahnberg-Carl Novotny Donor Advised Fund
Brown & Brown
The Chartis Group
Wendy and Richard Cohen
Ethan E. Crain
Diedrich & Donohue, LLP
Andrew Dreyfus
Eastern Bank
Epstein Becker & Green, PC
Faggiano & Associates, PC
Rushika and Maria Fernandopulle
Foley & Lardner LLP
Soheyla Gharib, MD, and Thomas Lee, MD
Hamel Marcin Dunn Reardon & Shea, PC
Henry Ford Health
Highland Street Foundation
Ann-Ellen Hornidge, Esq., and Ned Murphy
Jean and Brian Kilduff
Ruth Kilduff, RN,* and Jay Carrigan
Ruth G. Koblenzer*
Pamela Mann and David Baron, MD
The Mann Family Foundation
Elizabeth Maringer and Jay Shiland
Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Sharon and Brian McNally
Middleton & Company, Inc.
Mirick O’Connell
Murphy & Riley
Angela Patterson, DNP
Polaris Founders Capital
Glenn Pomerantz, MD, JD
Ritu Trivedi-Purohit, PsyD, and Paresh Purohit
Mark Reynolds and Clare Reilly
Ropes & Gray LLP
South Shore Health
Daniel and Colette Stanzler
Tony and Kathy Starr
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
William J. and Lia G. Poorvu Family Foundation
Peter and Ellen Zane

Joanne and Kevin Barrett
Baystate Health
Boston Medical Center
Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Eaton
Howard Cohen and Myra Musicant
The Colony Group
Commonwealth Care Alliance
Robert and Christine Coughlin
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Jessica Dudley, MD
Emerson Health
The Fischman Family (Nancy and Steven, Ben and Wendy, Laura Fischman and Tony Schwenson)
Betsy P. Frawley and James M. Litton
Linnea and Niyum Gandhi
Feng Ge
Michael Gustafson, MD, and Scott Quint
Sally Jackson
The Joint Commission
Samantha Kingsbury Brown
Larry and ML Krakauer
Leslie and William Lee
Dick Marks and Jennifer Morrison
Joyce Murphy and Bill Melanson*
Beth Sampath
Peter L. Slavin, MD, and Lori G. Pearlman
Southcoast Health
Michael and Audrey Straight
Sturdy Health
UMass Chan Medical School & ForHealth Consulting
UMass Memorial Health
Larry Vernaglia
Wendy Warring, JD, and Troy Brennan, MD
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital

Tom and Midge DeSimone
Drs. Jon and Heidi DuBois

Other Supporters
Marcia Allar
Tina Aronson and Koby A. Rotstein
Dr. Claudia A. Arrigg and Dr. Howard K. Koh
John Auth
Michele Babineau
Lawrence and Adele Bacow
Mimi Bartholomay
Susanna Barton
Beaumont Financial Partners
Bender Strategies, LLC
Katherine A. Bennett and Edmund J. Prescottano
Peter and Lisa Biagetti
Boston Hernia
Maura and Roger Boucher
O’Neil A. Britton, MD
Diane Bromberg
Julie Buckley
Rebecca Capozzi and Douglas Morgan
Cynthia and Harvey Creem
Robert I. Cohen and Julie A. Watts
Lisa and Robert Cohen
Consigli Construction
Zara Cooper
Jennifer Daley
Richard M. Dana
Jean and Michael Dandorph
Ila Davidoff
Rich and Kris Doherty
Susan Donahue and Digger Donahue, Jr.
Alexandra Drane and Antonio Bertone
Epic Insurance Brokers
Lisa Evans
Carol Feinberg Cohen*
Melissa Fitzpatrick, MSN
David and Nancy Fulton
William Galvin, MD
Summer Galecki
Tom Gerlach and Leigh Stokes
Andrew Gillies, MD, and Catherine Cahners
Marcia Girouard and Charles Young III
Hilary and Dick Glovsky
The Barry E. and Natalie T. Greene Family Foundation
G. Greene Construction Co., Inc.
Brett and Abby Gordon
Joan Gordon
Barbara Guilfoile and Bernard Lebow
James L. Heffernan, MBA
Elizabeth Hickman
Mr. Andrew A. Hyman
James River Group
Susan M. Kenyon
Stephen Kidder and Judith Malone
Michele and Michael Klau
Bill and Deborah Knowlton
Michael Korn
Julie Korostoff and Christer Larsson
Larry and ML Krakauer
Christine Lau
Peter Laussen
Christa and Brian Lee
Andrew Levine
Sandra Y. Levine
Beth Lown, MD, and the Piken Family
Sarah Lukas
Thomas Lynch, Jr., MD, and Laura Pappano
Christine Madigan and Stephen Callahan
Bessie Manley Szum, RN, MPA/HA, NE-BC, and John Szum
Sophia and Richard Mann
Seth and Cam Marshall
Polly and Jameson Marvin
Barbara Marx
Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association
Massachusetts Medical Society
McCarthy Bouley Barry + Morgan
Wanda McClain and Tony James
Eileen and Bill McDonough
W & L McLaughlin Charitable Account
Jo Frances Meyer
Moira and Steve Mitus
Ms. Sandra O. Moose
Betty Morningstar
Liz Mort
Britain W. Nicholson, MD, and Celeste Robb-Nicholson, MD
Susan Paro and Rick Shifley, PhD
Laura S. Peabody
Pierce & Mandell, PC
Cindy and Mitch Neider
Rebecca Nordhaus
Miriam Pinon
Jon Piper
Daniel H. Pomerantz, MD, MPH, FACP
Margaret Powicki, RN
Justin Precourt, MSN
David Pritchard
Sandhya Rao, MD
Stefanie and Micki Reinhorn, MD, MBA
Lola Roland, RN, CARN, and Lawrence Roland
Jan and Stuart Rose
Betsy Ross
Mary J. Ryan
June Salny
Eric and Kim Schultz
Matthew Selig, Esq.
Judith and Fred Server
Nutan Sharma, MD, PhD, and Antonio Aldykiewicz
Derri Shtasel, MD, MPH, and Gary Gottlieb, MD
Shields Health
Fredi and Jack Shonkoff, MD
Barrie and Stephen Silk
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Slobodkin
Gail Smith
Susan and Alan Solomont
Gail Sommer
Jessica and Mark Somol
Anne St. Goar, MD and Shippen Page
Colette and Dan Stanzler
Lauren Stanzler
Kate Stewart
Kevin Struhl
Suffolk Construction Company
John Sutton
Mary and Dale Taglienti
Alaina and Nick Tassinari
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bich-Ha To
Dinh To, MSW, LSW
Tomorrow Health
Tufts University
Angela Turner
Turner Construction Company
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Peter Underhill
Sharon Vitti
Kate Wagle
Kate Walsh and Erik Garpestad, MD
Mel and Harriet Warshaw
Martha and Jeff Winokur
Wise Construction
Dan Wofford and Sarah Peck
Marilyn Yager
Charlotte S. Yeh, MD, FACEP



Champions of Compassion

Our Champions of Compassion are individual donors who have been contributing to the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare for at least half of our 29 years. They number only 5% of all of our individual donors, and we are truly honored by their loyal support!

Amy and David Abrams 

Marcia Allar 

Marsha and Tom Alperin 

Stuart and Diane Altman 

Anonymous (4) 

Elissa B. Arons, MD 

Tina Aronson and Koby A. Rotstein 

Michael J. Astrue and Laura W. Mali-Astrue 

Richard Averbuch and April Austin 

Donald and Karen Bachman 

Charlie and Lauren Baker 

Andrew Balder and Cynthia Sommer 

Laurie Ansorge Ball 

Arthur and Rachael Barabell 

Mimi Bartholomay 

Judith B. Bass and Jack Levy 

Marc and Lorraine Batt 

Eleanor A. Becker 

Chaia Bekefi, MSW 

Linda Bentley 

Jerry and Fran Berger 

Terry G. Bergman 

Samuel A. Berkman, MD, FACP 

Joan Feinberg Berns, PhD 

Peter and Lisa Biagetti 

Michael Blau and Ann Muschett 

Susan Block, MD 

Patricia A. Bresky, PhD 

Catherine Bromberg 

Heidi Brown and Richard Moche 

Drs. Brad and Andrea Buchbinder 

In memory of Frances and Jerry Gold 

Nancy L. Cahners 

Ruth Kilduff, RN,* and Jay Carrigan 

Abbie Celniker and Trevor Kaye, MD 

Richard Chaisson, MD and Judith Harding 

Joseph A. Chazan, MD* 

Carol Feinberg Cohen* 

Ellen Cohen and Daniel Haber 

Helen and David Cohen 

Howard Cohen and Myra Musicant 

The Cohen/Vullo Family 

Joyce Cohen and David B. Hellman 

Wendy and Richard Cohen 

Michael and Monica Connolly 

Milton and Lilla Cooper 

Ruth S. Cope, PhD 

Lois and Linc Cornell 

Laurie Cowan and Ric Phillips 

Ethan E. Crain 

Cynthia and Harvey Creem 

Tom and Midge DeSimone 

Joseph and Donna DiPersio 

Rich and Kris Doherty 

Catlin Donnelly and Hampton Watkins 

Mark and Kate Donovan 

Jonathan Dorfman and Anne Blumberg 

Andrew Dreyfus 

Roger S. Driben 

Drs. Jon and Heidi DuBois 

Kitty and Mike Dukakis 

Jay S. Duker and Julie Starr-Duker 

Alvin and Caroline Essig 

Michael S. Feldberg and Ruth Lazarus 

Edward and Norma Fenochietti 

Mark Huberman and Stephanie G. Fidel 

Steven Fischel and Lisa Plantefaber 

The Fischman Family  

(Nancy and Steven, Ben and Wendy, Laura Fischman and Tony Schwenson) 

Robin Lipson and Matt Fishman 

Betsy P. Frawley and James M. Litton 

Cynthia Frawley 

Susan Frawley and Herb Luther 

David and Nancy Fulton 

Gary and Ethel Furst 

Diane and Michael Gardener 

Jody and David Gastfriend 

Laurie and Paul Gershkowitz 

Pamela P. Giannatsis 

Andrew Gillies, MD, and Catherine Cahners 

Connie Gilson 

Joan and James Gilson 

Leslie and Stan Godoff 

Carol and Avram Goldberg, Joshua R. Goldberg, and Deborah Goldberg and Michael Winter 

Brett and Abby Gordon 

Ellen Feldberg Gordon and Michael Gordon 

Joan Gordon 

Tom Grape 

Roger and Laura Gray 

Barbara Rubin Green 

Debby and Tony Green 

Betty Green 

Carolyn Greenberg and J. David Allred 

Irving and Judith* Haber 

Joseph Hameline 

Scott and Leslie Hefter 

Irwin and Sheila Heller 

Marcia Hertz 

Ruth L. Hertz 

Win and Margie Hodges 

Marc and Diane Homer 

Eve T. Horwitz and Steve Emmerich 

Terry Hudson-Jinks, RN, MSN 

Murray A. Jacobson Family Foundation 

Alison Poorvu Jaffe and Daniel Jaffe 

Stacy N. Jagher, LICSW 

Ellen Janos 

Michael Joachim and Ellen Winer 

Deborah C. Joelson 

Phil and Beverly Johnston 

Jerome and Sheridan Kassirer 

Ms. Katherine S. Kaufmann 

Susan M. Kenyon 

Cameron F. Kerry and Kathy B. Weinman 

Stephen Kidder and Judith Malone 

Jon M. Kingsdale and Rosalie R. Phillips 

Marie and Charlie Kireker 

Seth A. and Beth S. Klarman 

Bill and Deborah Knowlton 

Ruth G. Koblenzer*

Minde Kornfeld

Barry and Laura Korobkin 

Mary Kraft, MD 

Jonathan and Janet Kravetz 

Ronald V. Lacro and Jon P. Schum 

Marilyn Lambert and John Lindstrom, Jr. 

Mary Kay Leonard and Richard Valachovic 

Steven and Marjorie Levin 

Anne L. Levine and Howard Smith 

Sandra Y. Levine 

Linda and Jeff Levin-Scherz 

Deborah and Robert Litt 

Beth Lown, MD, and the Piken Family 

Thomas Lynch, Jr., MD, and Laura Pappano 

Amy and Ken MacNulty 

Thomas F. Maloney, Esq. 

Pamela Mann and David Baron, MD and Mann Family Foundation 

Art in Giving for The Rachel Molly Markoff Foundation 

Dick Marks and Jennifer Morrison 

Joanne Marqusee 

Jameson and Polly Marvin 

Claire and Cornelius Marx 

Honor E. McClellan, PhD 

Richard McCready and Rosemary McCarthy 

Sharon and Brian McNally 

Brooke and Eric Meltzer 

Margaret Ann and Lou Metzger 

Clare Midgley and Robert Leuchtner, PhD 

Tressa Miller Schwartz 

Evvajean Mintz 

Andrew Dreyfus and Lynn Modell 

Robert Muffly and Carol Buckler 

Joyce Murphy and Bill Melanson* 

Jay Naparstek 

Ms. Lois F. Nesson 

Joseph and Margaret Newhouse 

Britain W. Nicholson, MD, and Celeste Robb-Nicholson, MD 

The Novack Family 

James J. O’Connell, MD 

Ellen and James Palmer 

Mr. C. Reynolds Parsons 

Laurie Pascal 

Sarah Pasternack, PhD 

Dan Wofford and Sarah Peck 

Peter and Mary Pendergast 

Mary and Gary Pforzheimer 

Lia and William Poorvu 

Susan Rabinowitz 

Ellen Ramsay 

John and Laura Eby Regier 

Michal A. Regunberg 

Clare Reilly and Mark Reynolds 

Marla and Cliff Robinson 

Anne G. Romney and Timothy Hayes 

Benjamin M. Romney, MD 

Carla A. Romney, MD, and Stuart M. Beard 

Jan and Stuart Rose 

Charles and Elaine Rosen 

Julie A. Rosen and Gary Belowich 

Larry G. Rosenberg, PhD 

Margie Ross Decter and Adam Decter 

Debra and Eric Ruder 

Carmen and Susan Russo 

David and Carol Ryan 

Dorothy Renaghan and Anthony Santangelo 

Louise Sawyer and Michael Elefante 

Joan L. Scheff 

Doris and Simon Scheff 

Bobbi and Phil Schmidt 

Rhoda Schneider and Michael Marshall 

Eric and Kim Schultz 

Thomas P. Sellers, III, and Terry Ann Lunt 

Judith and Fred Server 

Robert Shapiro 

Fredi and Jack Shonkoff 

Jill and Donald Shulman 

Michael Shwartz and Pam Goodman 

Beverly Siegal Peiser, MD and Richard Peiser 

Jean Karpas Siegel Fund at The Boston Foundation 

Steven and Karen Sisselman 

Peggy Slasman and Gerard J. Sarnie 

Gabriela and Doug Smith,  

Amanter Fund, A Donor Advised Fund of the National Philanthropic Trust 

Gail Smith 

Karen Smith and Albert Wallis 

Kimberly A. Smith and William Charette 

Alison Sneider 

Norman Spector 

Marjorie and Paul Stanzler 

Sandy Starr and Raine Figueroa 

Tony and Kathy Starr 

Henry A. Sullivan 

Jean C. Sullivan and Richard Cane, Jr. 

Timothy Sullivan 

The Boston Foundation 

Judy Swahnberg-Carl Novotny Donor Advised Fund 

Dr. Samuel and Paula Thier 

Jeanie Ungerleider and William Stone, MD 

Clare Villari and David Weinstein 

Ralph and Martha Wales 

Marcia Wallace and Martin Rubenstein 

Kate Walsh and Erik Garpestad, MD 

Wendy Warring, JD and Troy Brennan, MD 

Mel and Harriet Warshaw 

Robert I. Cohen and Julie A. Watts 

Donald G. Cornuet and Stephen M. Weiner 

Susan Whitehead 

Lynn Wiatrowski and Joren C. Madsen, MD 

Martha and Jeff Winokur 

Philip Witman and Bonnie Perlmutter, PhD 

Roni and Lawrence Woods 

Marilyn Yager 

Charlotte Yeh, MD, FACEP 

Peter and Ellen Zane 

Norman and Adelle Zimbel 

Ellen L. Ziskind 

Compassionate Caregiver Honor Roll

Caregivers Honored January 1, 2024 – October 28, 2024

Thousands of compassionate caregivers have been recognized since 2008 for their everyday acts of compassion by grateful patients and families who make a donation to the Schwartz Center in their name.

Jill Burke, NP 

Angela Chang, LICSW 

Steven Come, MD 

Philip Finocchiaro, MD 

Fran and Michael Goldberg, MD 

Catherine Gonzalez, MD 

Kelsey Harbour, NP 

Kunal Jajoo, MD 

Tara Kernan 

Matthew Kim, MD 

Laura Knobel, MD 

Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center 

Murali Palla 

Karen Parsons, RN 

Betsy Rivard 

Liz Swanson, RN, MSN, CPN, CCRN, FNP-BC 

Kathy Whelan, MSN, RN, NP-C, CCRN 

Emily Ziemba 

Mandey Zuniga, RN