The Schwartz Center is committed to supporting healthcare professionals with additional resources on caring for their patients, themselves and their teams during challenging times. Please find mental health and wellness resources here.
The National Compassionate Caregivers of the Year® Award recognizes extraordinary healthcare professionals from across the country who embody the characteristics of compassionate care and whose professional achievements have helped to create healing healthcare environments for patients, families, colleagues, and communities.
Up to five award recipients will be chosen by a national review committee. Nominees include clinical and nonclinical providers, administrators, educators, and others who provide direct or indirect care to patients, families, and/or healthcare staff.
We will notify all nominees of their nomination and will ask them to submit additional materials to be considered for the NCCY Award. Please note that nominations are not anonymous and the nominee will be notified of the nominator’s name.
See Criteria for Nomination for more details and read our Frequently Asked Questions for more details.
If you have any additional questions about the nomination process, please contact