Supporting the Schwartz Center

There are many ways to support the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare. Below are some of the easiest and most popular ways you can help put compassion at the heart of healthcare. Thank you for your support!

Donations are fully tax-deductible unless given in exchange for goods or services. We will send a tax receipt and acknowledgement letter to the email address you provide. For other commonly asked questions, please visit our donation FAQ page, or contact us at

There are many ways to support our work:

Making a gift online is fast and easy. Please visit our secure giving form here:

Make a Gift Online

Monthly gifts are billed automatically to your credit card on the 15th (or following business day) of each month. In addition to being convenient for donors, planned recurring gifts provide us greater security in our budgeting and program planning. You can cancel or modify your billing information by contacting us at We request at least two weeks’ notice to modify your billing information. Making a gift online is fast and easy. Please visit our secure giving form here:

Make a Gift Online

Planned gifts, such as bequests, charitable trusts, or retirement plan assets, are an effective way to provide for a future gift to the Schwartz Center while preserving your current income. If you would like to make one of these gifts, contact us at

Making a grant from your DAF is easy! You can contact your DAF administrator on the phone or via the DAF website and provide them with our federal 501(c)(3) number: 04-1564655.  You can also use the DAF Direct form below. The Schwartz Center is under the same federal 501(c)(3) number as Massachusetts General Hospital. To ensure your gift reaches us, please specify that your gift is intended for the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare.

A gift of appreciated securities or stock is a great way to support the Schwartz Center. Gifts of stock and other securities typically entitle a donor to a federal income tax charitable deduction and capital gains tax savings for securities owned for at least a year.

To transfer securities electronically to the Schwartz Center via MGH, the DTC instructions are as follows:

  • Broker Name: UBS Financial Services
  • DTC Number: 0221
  • Account Name: MGH
  • MGH Tax ID #: 04-1564655
  • Account Number: PWA8289
  • Send to attention of: Christopher Herlihy at UBS Financial Services, (617) 439-8028
  • Reference: Donor Name and restricted to the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare

Please include your name in the reference field of the transfer. In addition, in order to properly identify your contribution to the Schwartz Center, notification of your donation, including the securities and number of shares, must be sent to:
Nicole Short, Development Data Manager

Phone: (857) 282-9765



In accordance with IRS guidelines, the date of gift will be considered the date that MGH assumes ownership of the shares. For crediting purposes, the value is determined as the average of the high and low listings on the date the stock is gifted.

If you are over 70 ½ years old and have an IRA, you can make a QCD up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to the Schwartz Center. A QCD can help you reach your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) without having to pay income taxes on the amount of your donation. Your gift must go directly from your traditional IRA or Roth IRA to the Schwartz Center. In order to complete a QCD, contact your IRA administrator for the necessary forms and procedures. Gifts must be made by December 31 to take advantage this tax year.


  • Inform the institution holding your IRA that you want to make a QCD the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare.
  • Complete the necessary paperwork to request the QCD
  • Please direct the institution to mail checks to: The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, P.O. Box 417597, Boston, MA 02241-7597

Please send personal checks to:

The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare

P.O. Box 417597

Boston MA 02241-7597

Many companies match charitable gifts made by their employees, retirees and directors. Please consult your company’s human resources department to learn more about your employee matching gift program. We will acknowledge your total giving including your matching gift in our donor listings.

If you’re making your gift online, please check the “My company will match my gift” box on the donation page. Please also fill out the necessary paperwork through your HR department in a timely fashion to ensure that we receive your intended match.

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