A Message From Our CEO

Dear Friends,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius vel lacus eu facilisis. Nam consectetur tellus massa, vel imperdiet velit tincidunt nec. Cras cursus turpis dui, quis rutrum felis elementum sit amet. Duis congue, elit interdum mollis consequat, dui nunc luctus est, eu tristique enim sapien nec tortor. Aliquam sed est finibus, elementum lorem a, aliquet lorem. Vestibulum lobortis porta tincidunt. Donec aliquet mi quam, vulputate dapibus nunc tincidunt in. Morbi ullamcorper aliquam nunc et blandit. Phasellus iaculis commodo diam, quis facilisis dui mollis auctor. Ut sed varius sapien, et condimentum ante.

Cras auctor nulla vel nibh consequat feugiat. Mauris eget neque vitae felis aliquet vehicula nec eget urna. Mauris vehicula viverra justo, sed venenatis magna semper ac. Praesent orci risus, tempus eu enim eget, vulputate commodo diam. Suspendisse magna ligula, auctor non urna vitae, mollis laoreet leo. Sed ultricies eu nunc vel porta. Integer non aliquet elit.

Suspendisse porttitor nisi eu facilisis pellentesque. Proin quis mi vitae metus convallis facilisis quis ac massa. In auctor lorem a accumsan convallis. Phasellus lacus libero, pretium et odio iaculis, tempor posuere nisl.

Aliquam volutpat facilisis felis, at luctus nisl maximus et. Maecenas mauris orci, pellentesque ac viverra eget, varius a eros. Maecenas porttitor eu quam non tempus. Integer sed commodo erat. Proin efficitur non sem id pellentesque. Vestibulum fringilla sit amet magna in vulputate. Aenean tempor bibendum egestas. Praesent condimentum tempor odio, eget hendrerit erat sagittis eu. Sed vulputate justo eget neque iaculis vehicula. Praesent facilisis molestie neque viverra efficitur. Praesent a hendrerit odio. Praesent nec quam pellentesque, pellentesque eros in, fringilla arcu. Praesent tristique mattis lectus.

Praesent feugiat massa non gravida suscipit. In iaculis tellus elementum lacinia ullamcorper. Donec scelerisque magna neque, nec blandit eros venenatis at. Sed luctus scelerisque arcu, vel porttitor dui scelerisque in.

Nunc id velit nunc. Aliquam fringilla turpis lacus, nec luctus nunc dignissim vitae. Donec dignissim, urna vel vehicula ornare, orci est feugiat libero, at congue justo tortor sit amet nunc. Duis molestie consequat iaculis. Curabitur quis tortor mauris. Fusce mattis lectus eu lorem consectetur cursus at at felis. Cras maximus nunc a neque ornare luctus. Duis nec lacus convallis, pellentesque dolor eu, imperdiet nulla. Praesent pulvinar lacinia leo, quis laoreet diam pretium eget. Sed nulla arcu, tincidunt nec sapien ac, eleifend hendrerit sapien.

Michael Gustafson Signature

Michael Gustafson MD, MBA
Chief Executive Officer


The Healing Healthcare Initiative

Healthcare workers are exhausted and stretched thin at best – and at worst they are anxious, depressed and suffering from traumatic stress. We have to change the system in order for caregivers to thrive and provide the best possible care to patients and families. That’s why we’ve launched the Healing Healthcare Initiative (HHI). Over the past year, this pilot initiative has guided leaders to reimagine how the workplace can better support their health workers’ well-being, so they can focus on delivering equitable, compassionate patient care. HHI is focused on solutions, not silos – by supporting and empowering healthcare leaders with resources and tools to ensure that their organization, workforce, and patients can thrive. We need to heal our health system so that health workers can heal their patients.

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Our Impact

37,010+ caregivers, representing 50 states and 39 countries, viewed our Compassion in Action Webinar Series.

Our programs and resources are utilized by caregivers across the country and around the world.

600+ sites across the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand are Schwartz Center members, with another 280+ sites running our Schwartz Rounds program through our partner in the U.K. and Ireland.

90% of caregivers who attended multiple Schwartz Rounds reported better communication with their co-workers.

86% of caregivers who attended multiple Schwartz Rounds reported feeling more compassionate toward patients and families.

Healthcare Organizations We Support

Our vision is a world where all who seek and provide healthcare experience compassion.


The National Compassionate Caregivers of the Year® Award recognizes extraordinary healthcare professionals from across the country who embody the characteristics of compassionate care and whose professional achievements have helped to create healing healthcare environments for patients, families, colleagues, and communities. To nominate a caregiver and learn more, visit our NCCY page.

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The Corman IMPACT Honors celebrates Schwartz Center healthcare members who are making a transformational impact by creating programs or initiatives that promote compassionate, collaborative care within their organization or system.

We know that leading by example is the most effective way to inspire others to make compassionate care a priority and we want to recognize our healthcare members who are doing that. To nominate a program or learn more, visit our  Corman IMPACT Honors page.

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Mental Health and Well-being Resources

37,150+ caregivers accessed our mental health and well-being resources page.

This page shares resources and information to help caregivers and healthcare leaders manage the stress and anxiety they are experiencing. 

One popular resource is our special webinar series featuring leading practitioners and researchers. You are invited to watch the recorded webinars and sign up for upcoming sessions.


Donor Spotlight


“Compassionate care is better and safer care,” said Mark E. Reynolds, president and CEO of CRICO and chair of the Schwartz Center Board.

Founded close to 50 years ago, the CRICO insurance program includes all of the Harvard medical institutions and their affiliates.

CRICO’s mission to protect providers and promote safety aligns with the Schwartz Center’s vision of a world where all who seek and provide healthcare experience compassion. Through a shared commitment to safeguard the  workforce, advance compassionate care, and promote caregiver well-being, CRICO and the Schwartz Center highlight how nonprofits and businesses can work together to support healthcare workers.



Donor Spotlight

Susan Donahue

“Empathy, caring and building trust are critical for both patients and providers,” says Susan Donahue, a philanthropist and strategist with a passion for healthcare equity and a dedication to community service. Through her leadership roles on many non-profit Boards, including Health Leads and Boston Medical Center, she has witnessed firsthand the impact of quality healthcare on individuals and communities, sparking her commitment to support organizations that improve healthcare access and outcomes.

Susan’s philanthropic contributions and leadership have made a significant impact on healthcare nonprofits in the Boston area. Her strategic approach to philanthropy has not only provided immediate relief to underserved populations, but has also fostered long-term solutions to address systemic healthcare challenges. This is what led her to become invested in the Schwartz Center’s mission.



Donor Spotlight


“As a not-for-profit health and well-being company, Point32Health knows the importance of supporting our healthcare professionals, as they provide exceptional and compassionate care to those who need it most,” said Cain A. Hayes, president and CEO of Point32Health.

Built on the heritage of its founding organizations, Tufts Health Plan and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Point32Health offers a broad range of health plans and innovative tools that make navigating health and well-being easier, guiding its members to better health outcomes. It strives to provide high-quality and affordable healthcare, enhance patient and member care, and create healthier communities for all.


The Marjorie Stanzler Fund

The Marjorie Stanzler Fund (MSF) was established in 2015 to create access to Schwartz Center programs for healthcare organizations that otherwise could not afford them. As health disparities have widened in the U.S., many healthcare institutions, such as safety net hospitals, small rehab centers, VA hospitals, and community health clinics, have been unable to allocate funds to support programs for their caregivers’ well-being and mental health. Grants from the Marjorie Stanzler Fund help remove financial barriers for healthcare organizations to support their staff through evidence-based programs like the Schwartz Rounds® and Stress First Aid to stem the unprecedented rate of caregiver burnout in the U.S. today. In 2023, the Marjorie Stanzler Fund supported Schwartz Rounds at 19 hospitals across the U.S. and we hope to provide even more access in 2024.

Compassion in Action Conference

The virtual conference offered 24+ sessions featuring workshops and panel presentations on advancing cultures of compassion, communication, interprofessional teamwork and interpersonal skills. Participants learned to apply those techniques towards initiatives and strategies that achieve the quadruple aim of improving patient experience, population health and workforce well-being while lowering costs. Recorded sessions are still available for viewing, and continuing education credits are available.

215+ attendees joined our Virtual Compassion in Action Healthcare Conference

85% of the attendees said the conference updated their knowledge and skills

98% of the attendees believe that the knowledge gained from the conference will lead them to change the way they practice

Financial Highlights 2023

During Fiscal Year 2023, 79% of all spending was directed to mission-specific programming. Fundraising and administrative costs, which are core mission support, represent the remainder. Our programs rely on core mission support to ensure the growth and impact of our mission. Strategic investments in programs resulted in an expected $700k loss in Fiscal Year 2023


Looking Ahead

Looking to the future, we remain committed to supporting health workers during this tumultuous time in healthcare. We will continue to expand our reach to more caregivers and their patients. Our work has never been more important, and the impact of your support has never been more meaningful.

Thank you for joining us in this mission to put compassion at the heart of healthcare.

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